The Pool Rooms - Explained

Pool Rooms

Welcome traveler. You've no-clipped straight through reality and once more found yourself deep in the dangerous land of the backrooms.

Today your explorations take you to level 37, commonly known as the Poolrooms.  All things considered, you really could have done worse than to end up here- much, much worse. This level seems to consist of an infinite span of interconnected rooms all covered in white tile, reminiscent of that which you can find in many public pools. The fact that this level is also covered in a seemingly endless supply of lukewarm, aquamarine water is what led to the first explorers nicknaming level 37 the Pool rooms.

The architecture here runs the gamut from long straight hallways to massive wide open rooms.  There are even stairs which lead both up and down to- you guessed it, more pool-like rooms. The architecture varies, but the entire floor layout is always pristine and orderly- this is a neat-freak's dream come true. Also, every single inch of the Poolrooms is covered in varying depths of clear, aquamarine water.

Whatever this strange place's true purpose is, it’s clearly not meant to be anything remotely like an actual pool- in fact, the architecture itself makes no sense if this place was designed as a pool. You can expect to run across plenty of pillars that rise up into the white-tiled ceiling above you in seemingly random places, which makes it unlikely they're serving any form of actual structural support. Whatever keeps the roof over your head from collapsing, it’s not the architecture of the place. The deep pools one can encounter also seem to not be designed with humans in mind, as often there are no ledges where one would expect so that they could climb in and out of the large pools of deep water. Lighting itself resembles something closer to one of the first iterations of the Unreal engine, often shining out in strange angles that make no sense- also; light sources don’t seem to be present. The light simply ’is’. This chaotic lighting scheme leaves many parts of the Poolrooms cast in darkness.

Stairs seem to descend down into the watery depths, which while clear, can be dark either due to the extreme depth or because of the chaotic lighting. This gives the impression that these levels weren't always flooded, after all why would stairs exist if they only lead to deep pools of water? Other times though you may encounter deep tunnels that go straight down into unknown depths. Much like with cave diving, it's highly recommended that you don't attempt to explore these areas without proper equipment and a lot of training.  There's simply no telling what lurks below, and the terrain has never been properly mapped out. If you get stuck in a twisting watery maze, nobody is coming to get you or refill your oxygen canister.

The water contains other mysteries as well though.  No matter where in the Poolrooms you travel, the water stays consistently a very pleasant lukewarm. Water temperature seems to be  completely unaffected by location, lighting, or  even depth- even the deepest shaft of water, which  should get rapidly chillier and chillier, remains  lukewarm all the way to its mysterious depths.


Chemical analysis by field teams has also discovered that the water itself contains a high concentration of Epsom salt, or magnesium sulfate. This is the same type of soothing muscle relaxant that you might pour into a bath here on this side of the backrooms, and helps soothe sore and tired muscles as well as headaches. But the water in the Poolrooms is more relaxing than normal, as additional unidentified compounds have been discovered in it which is hypothesized to add to the relaxation effect of the Poolrooms water.  These strange waters don't just soothe sore muscles and tired minds, they can even numb away the pain of injuries or chronic illness as long as one remains soaked in the healing waters. The water in the Poolrooms seems to be in a constant state of gentle rippling, which in particularly large rooms can be rather hypnotic and even add to the soothing relaxing effect of the mysterious water. Yet there are no breezes inside the Poolrooms and to date no seismic activity has ever been detected. This leaves the source of the gentle rippling notion- like one might find on a calm day in a backyard pool- a mystery to explorers. Some have theorized  that the Poolrooms are vast enough to actually  have a natural tidal effect- though this would  require a transient source of gravity somewhere  above, below, or around the Poolrooms themselves  to gently tug on the water, much like our moon  creates tides here on earth. Perhaps the mass of backroom levels directly before and after the Poolrooms act like said gravity source, which would imply that the backrooms are still subject at some level to the basic laws of physics- despite blatant violations of said laws observed on other levels. Another theory is that the Poolrooms are a sealed environment and such a large mass, like perhaps a large moon, does in fact exist somewhere in orbit above whatever terrestrial body- if any exists- that the Poolrooms are built on. It's also possible that the poolrooms aren't sealed off at all to the rest of this world, as they are so vast that nobody has had the time to fully map them out yet.

Then again, the rippling may simply be an inherent component of the Poolrooms themselves, existing without explanation other than it simply adds to the soothing relaxation effect the mysterious water seems to have on visitors.

Your sense of hearing may not work as you’re used to here in the Poolrooms, and you should be prepared. Sound is subject to very weird effects on level 37, and seems to drop off rather quickly producing no echo or very little when one would be expected.  If traveling here with friends, you may find  that you have to remain rather close together  in order to still hear each other, as even  a distance of a few dozen feet is enough in  some locations to make normal conversational  voices too muted to hear. It's believed that the water itself is acting as some sort of sound dampening force, and once more this may be part of the water's apparent purpose- which may be to project a peaceful, calming atmosphere.


However, the reverse can also be true here, and sound may be much louder than you expect. In rare places inside the Poolrooms, you may stumble into areas where the gently rippling water becomes loud and cacophonous, to the point that not even yelling will allow for effective communication. The water itself is unchanged, and instead it seems to be that the gently rippling sound of the water is what becomes greatly magnified, drowning out all other sound.  Research is ongoing as to what causes  both of these strange phenomenon’s,  though it's theorized that the effect may actually  stem from the visiting wanderer themselves,  with those living more troubled,  tumultuous lives somehow projecting  that chaotic energy into the water around  them and causing it to become very loud.

While you may have come to expect many dangerous entities in the backrooms and probably came prepared, you can relax your guard here as there is yet to be any hostile entity recorded inhabiting the Poolrooms. This is not to say that none exist, simply that even after years of exploration, none has been discovered yet. As of now, the Poolrooms are marked as safe, with no hostile entities- though it should be remembered that exploration is ongoing and the level may simply be so large that the probability of running into any entity is close to zero. Also, one should  be wary of the areas of deep water- hostile  entities could very well lurk in the depths of  level 37, and simply have evaded discovery by  virtue that very few wanderers to visit have ever  had the equipment necessary to brave the depths.

Deep water here however poses another serious hazard. While the vast majority of the water in the Poolrooms is perfectly safe and even drinkable if one wishes- though it does have a bit of a weird taste- one shouldn't be lulled into complacency by the appearance of the Poolrooms to an actual pool. Unlike a real pool, level 37 is not treated with bacteria and fungi destroying chlorine, which means that microorganisms are free to grow here.

Strangely, despite the travels of wanderers through the Poolrooms, who no doubt bring plenty of visiting germs of their own, it seems as if no microorganisms from outside of the Poolrooms are capable of colonizing these vast bodies of water. However, a native bacterium known as the Hydroliths Plague is known to thrive in the deep, dark waters, and is a serious hazard to visitors.

Infection is primarily via airborne ingestion of the bacterium, which seems to point at a bacterium which has multiple life stages or an unknown means of becoming airborne. However, a wanderer can also become infected by drinking waters containing the bacterium. Once infected, an individual can easily infect others via coughing, sneezing, or even simply exhaling large quantities of the airborne bacteria from inside of their lungs. Thankfully the disease is not particularly deadly unless one already has a weakened immune system, however those who fall ill can expect to experience fatigue, high fever, severe joint and muscle pain, and delirium for those with very bad infections, combining mental confusion with both audio and visual hallucinations.

Level 37 is simply not suitable for habitation, and thus spread of the disease by wanderers to others is not a major concern. The lack of suitable building materials or even dry areas, and the random architecture and ever-present moisture is simply not conducive to the establishment of any kind of outpost. The poolrooms also seem to lack any resources worth exploiting, other than vast amounts of drinkable water which should still be treated for Hydroliths plague.

A recovered note by S.R. Cunningham expresses his belief that the Poolrooms are not a physical place at all, but rather are a construct of one's own mind. As a wanderer moves through the Poolrooms, additional rooms are created in the direction of their travel, and often reflect the state of one’s own emotions. This means that technically the poolrooms are both infinite and not- as if one aimlessly wanders they could very well wander for eternity, or at least until their food lasts.  However, perhaps if one were to have enough mental control, they could force a hard end to the seemingly infinite Poolrooms. What one might discover there is unknown, and it might simply be an exit that leads to an even deeper, and as-yet unexplored corner of the backrooms.

The Poolrooms have multiple entrances and exits.  Exploring underwater in Level 7, Thalassophobia, can perhaps unsurprisingly lead one into the Poolrooms. Following the creaking stairways down in Level -132 can also lead one to the Poolrooms, and might be a relief given the inherent dangers of Level -132. Tunnels in Level 67, which resembles an abandoned indoor water park, can also lead directly to Level 37, and the transition is so seamless that most visitors don't realize it initially. Pools, especially those lined with tile, can also be no-clipped in the reality warping Level 997 to lead one straight to the Poolrooms. Level 30, a massive building consisting of interconnected indoor pools, can also lead to the Poolrooms, though only through the Quaoar and Haumea areas of the level. Interestingly, the Hydroliths plague is also present in Level 30.

Alternatively, one can also find multiple exits in Level 37. The most common is an exit to Level 37.1, which can happen seamlessly for a traveler who isn't paying attention and exploring the darker areas of Level 37. Level 37.1 is significantly more hazardous than Level 37, which seems to have no hazards other than infection by the Hydroliths plague and the danger of drowning if exploring too deep below the water. This level is dark and dimly lit, again by unknown light sources which seem to shine through cracks and holes in the walls.  Other areas however are pitch black, and the water here is a much darker, murkier deep green-blue. Unlike level 37, level 37.1 does contain a native population of Face lings, which vary in hostility. The environment here is also very confusing and disorienting, and follows a non-Euclidian nature. It is not recommended  one explore Level 37.1 alone or for very long,  as even if they did recording devices seem to  simply not work here and any discoveries made  are likely to be lost or forgotten.

Submerging oneself into the waters of Level 37 can rarely cause one to reemerge inside pools of level -33 and -34. Level -33 resembles a massive hotel that is filled with indoor pools, and the water here may be extracted or fed directly from Level 37 as wanderers report it has healing properties. These properties however are greatly enhanced, and a dip in these pools can even cure extreme cases of mental illness such as insanity.

Level -34 however is far more dangerous, and consists of three different zones.  Zone 1 is considered safe and secure, and contains large crystal clear pools- though unlike level 37, the water here is treated with chlorine and other chemicals to keep it clean and free of microorganisms.

Zone 2, instead has large pools of greenish water, and the ambient light is much darker.  Dampness and mold pervades the walls of this area and the water should be avoided at all costs. Numerous entities also spawn and wander through here.

Entering through a black iron door in Zone 2 can lead to Zone 3. This area is pitch black and full of brackish waters. The zone is also infested with various entities and it's extremely recommended that one avoid it at all costs.

Occasionally, wandering down the long hallways of the Poolrooms however can lead to one accidentally traveling into one of the shower blocks of Level 4242. This level is a labyrinth mess of tiled halls and public showers, and is considered a moderate risk for explorers.  Lastly, just like entering submerged areas in Level 67 and Level -132 can lead to Level 37, entering submerged areas of Level 37 can also lead back to both levels.

Now go check out How to Beat the Backrooms Levels 0 through 2, or click this other video instead!

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