The Ugly Truth About Gandhi

Ugly Truth About Gandhi

The great mahatma gandhi a hero of india  a man who through a campaign of  non-violence freed his country from the  clutches of british imperialists he was  not just a father of his nation but for  some he was considered almost saintly he  also liked to sleep alone in beds with  his grand nieces and other young women  and held some shockingly racist views  toward other races today we'll shock  some of you we might even offend some of  you but we also think by the time we got  to the end of this show you will have  also changed your mind as how you think  about mr gandhi before we get to that  here's an abridged introduction to the  man born mohandas karamchad gandhi on  october 2nd 1869. he grew up in fairly  comfortable surroundings seeing that his  father held the position of chief  minister of the indian state of  purbandar his mother was said to be a  very pious woman which is where the  young gandhi discovered the beliefs of  cherishing the simple things in life the  religious devotion he saw by his mother  would foster him a sense of ethics that  he later became famous for on a global  scale things such as non-violence  tolerance of others beliefs  vegetarianism and acts of  self-purification were his badge they  were also steeped in hypocrisy at times  his beliefs were put to the test when he  went over to london to study before he  left india he swore to his mom to not  fall for the enticements of modern life  to stay clear of women and meat and  generally to uphold the beliefs she  taught him but while studying law in  london he witnessed late 19th century  industry and all the horrors that could  come with it the streets of london were  certainly not paved with gold far from  it many londoners with their ragged  clothes and dirty faces didn't seem to  be enjoying britain's industrial wealth  gandhi witnessed poverty but he also  witnessed activism there it was the same  when he went over to south africa where  he saw much of the population living in  abject poverty gandhi might have been an  educated lawyer by this time but that  didn't mean he wasn't told like other  indians that because of his skin color  he wasn't allowed to walk on certain  footpaths or enter certain buildings  there's more to this story but let's  just tell you the good gandhi story  first he was disgusted there he was an  educated man who considered himself as  much english as he was indian but  treated as a second class citizen by the  europeans one time he was kicked out of  a train coach because of his race like  many other people of color his rights  were taken away from him on other  occasions he was beaten up for not  making room for a white passenger that  wasn't bad enough he was barred for  staying at certain hotels even though he  had the money to pay for them the story  goes that gandhi understood the many  wrongs committed by the imperialists and  so was at this juncture in his life when  he decided he was going to bring about  change but his resistance in line with  his religious beliefs had to be peaceful  one of the most famous lines is every  revolution begins with a single act of  defiance and this is how he began  fighting for the rights of indians this  is how he got a name for himself as an  activist which on one dark day in durban  south africa almost got him lynched by a  mob of angry white folks he spent  several years in south africa but he  knew that india needed him when he  announced his departure from africa a  statesman wrote the saint has left our  shores this statesman was a white south  african he finished the sentence i hope  forever back in india gandhi carried on  fighting for people's rights he'd been  beaten up he'd been jailed he'd been  harangued and oppressed and he still  preached peace he might have supported  the british war effort but he also never  shied away from criticizing the british  imperialist we apologize to our gandhi  enthusiasts for skipping over many years  of his life but we think most of you  know that this man became one of the  most powerful people in india his form  of indian nationalism was embraced by  much of the country most of the country  in fact and they started to believe that  with the right will the indian people  could be free of the british his  activism got him arrested on march 10  1922 and he spent the next two years  behind bars but he wasn't done by any  means in the years to follow he would  leave many of the indian people to  peacefully revolt against many facets of  the british rule his followers and there  were many went to prison for their acts  of civil disobedience in 1932 while in  prison again he undertook a now famous  fast over the disenfranchisement of  those at the bottom of india's caste  system people called the untouchables  when indians saw how willing gandhi was  to die for his people for the rights of  the country's poorest it spread hope  through the hearts of the nation then  the second world war happened and again  the indians were expected to fight for  the british but this time the indian  national congress wanted a form of  self-government if it were to throw  indian nationals onto the battlefield  close to 90 000 of them would eventually  die not to mention the perhaps two and a  half million total indian casualties of  war before the war ended gandhi had  already started the quit india movement  and then on august 15 1947 india finally  got its independence okay so what you've  just heard is the condensed story of a  man who saw cruelty and unfairness in  the world and wanted to do something  about it he then took considerable risks  in fighting the perpetrators of those  wrongs and he made it his life's work  it's now time we got into costume and  became the devil's advocate here's a  quote for you hitler killed 5 million  jews it's the greatest crime of our time  but the jews should have offered  themselves to the butcher's knife they  should have thrown themselves into the  sea from cliffs it would have aroused  the world and the people of germany as  it is they succumbed anyway in their  millions yes those were the thoughts of  gandhi he was taking non-violence to  another level and he was not  surprisingly condemned for saying such  things while his belief might not  exactly fall into an ugly truth category  his moral absolutism made no sense at  all to some people especially those  under attack from germany when the nazis  were bombing england gandhi seemed to  think the brit should not bother  fighting back this is what he said about  that i would like you to lay down the  arms you have as being useless for  saving you or humanity you will invite  hair hitler and senor mussolini to take  what they want of the countries you call  your possessions if these gentlemen  choose to occupy your homes you will  vacate them if they do not give you free  passage out you will allow yourselves  man woman and child to be slaughtered  but you will refuse to owe allegiance to  them in hindsight we all now know the  many added horrors that would have  occurred had governments followed  gandhi's instructions and just allowed  nazi germany to do what it wanted his  assertion also sounds much worse when  you consider some people now say that  gandhi was a racist in 2019 in the  african nation of malawi people were  saying just that in ghana that same year  a gandhi statue was taken down at a  university you might think that's  strange given what we told you about  gandhi fighting for people's rights when  he was in south africa well in ghana  many people right now don't have much  love for gandhi which can be seen on  twitter when folks use the hashtag  gandhi must fall maybe you think it's a  bit severe but it sounds righteous  enough when you know some of the racist  things gandhi wrote back when he was in  africa for instance he once wrote that  white folks despite their flaws should  be the predominating race in south  africa you see the young gandhi as you  know went over to england to get himself  an education  it seems it was his dealings with the  ruling british that convinced him that  europeans were just more civilized than  the black people in africa we should say  that he changed his entire stance in  time and became an anti-racist but it  wasn't always like that he also wrote in  a letter summing up the beliefs to the  british that the general belief seems to  prevail in the colony that the indians  are a little better if at all than the  savages or the natives of africa he  absolutely thought that many africans  were savages and used derogatory  language too when referring to black  people such as the term kaffir in 1904  he wrote another letter stating that he  was upset about these people living  amongst indians saying about the mixing  of the fears with the indians i must  confess i feel most strongly he wrote  that as long as blacks were mixed with  indians then diseases such as the plague  would further spread you can now  understand why some people are now  calling gandhi out they also accuse him  of being a hypocrite saying that he  didn't believe in the rights of africans  at all while also working with the  british government in segregating whites  from blacks a stunning example of this  is when gandhi petitioned the colonial  government in south africa to ensure the  indian people didn't have to share the  same queue as black people when they  went to the post office in durban he  didn't think it was fair that indians  couldn't queue with the whites some  people now tried to cover for gandhi  saying he was just product of his times  although one would think that a person  of high intelligence would still have  known right from wrong even if they  didn't always fight for what was right  others now say that gandhi was a  card-carrying member of the aryan  brotherhood and no we don't mean that  bunch of violent angry neo-nazis whose  pastime is smoking amphetamines and  sharpening shivs we mean the brotherhood  that wore suits and smoked pipes and  dingy board rooms for example when asked  just how racist gandhi was one of his  new critics wrote gandhi believed in the  aryan brotherhood this involved whites  and indians higher up than africans on  the civilized scale to that extent he  was a racist to the extent that he wrote  africans out of history or was keen to  join with whites in their subjugation he  was a racist as we say gandhi shifted  his stance but how much he shifted we  can't say question is when he was  telling people to lie down for the  germans did any part of him still  believe in superior races you have to  remember when gandhi was in south africa  it wasn't as if black people hadn't  already for years been fighting for  their rights you can't just say gandhi  was a product of the times because he  knew very well that a race of people  rightly felt they were violently  oppressed when gandhi was in england he  spent most of his time hanging out with  intellectuals and the odd vegetarian and  then once he was in south africa he  found himself having to share the same  train carriages and join the same cues  of a people he referred to as coolies he  hated this that much was evident in 1906  when during the zulu rebellion gandhi  supported the british in what he termed  the revolt of the kafirs these people  who he pretty much believed were  barbarians he said deserved british rule  because they spent most of their days in  indolence and nakedness again people say  you have to forgive him for his foibles  they say he had his road to damascus  moment and he changed his views  nonetheless as his critics still point  out even if he did hold some racist  views on racial hierarchies why could he  not ever refer to african people as  africans and not coolies or kaffirs his  utter lack of respect for africans was  evident when he attended a dinner party  held by the british imperialist hugh  wyndham fourth baron lincoln field  gandhi was overjoyed to be seated next  to some of the empire's toffs and he  quite enjoyed his aubergine cutlets in  plum tart he gave a speech about his  leaving africa saying he hoped the  europeans of south africa would take a  humanitarian and imperial view of the  indian question but one of his  biographers pointed something else out  that was the fact that gandhi never said  any farewells to any africans even  though he'd been in africa that  biographer said gotti didn't think  africans deserved a goodbye message we  hammered this point home just a little  bit only because you have to admit that  it's quite a huge deal when a human  rights advocate fighting to end  discrimination went along with  discrimination and human rights abuses  if he was flawed in public what about  his personal life will things get even  more strange now gandhi once wrote to  his son that a person who marries in  order to satisfy his carnal desire is  lower than even the beast he had no time  for casual sex and human relations and  he himself became celibate at age 38.  he'd gotten married when he was 13 but  turned away from sex later so then why  did the guardian newspaper write that  gandhi was prone to having weird  manipulative flirtations with young  unmarried women why also in 2021 did  some people in california knock down a  statue of the great man the answer is  that some people think gandhi wasn't  just hypocritical when it came to racial  equality but also in relation to his  thoughts on sexual purity when it was  decided that the statue in california  should be re-erected a group called the  organization for minorities of india was  dead set against it when asked why a  spokesperson for the group explained  gandhi was instrumental in influencing  national treatment of women in india he  said my life is my message and the life  he modeled for the nation was one of  sexually exploiting his grand nieces and  many other teenage girls under the guise  of performing celibacy experiments  gandhi stands accused of being sexist  racist and also committing creepy acts  with young women like other spiritual  leaders that have tainted the earth with  their footsteps gandhi has been called a  predator which we don't have to tell you  is a really bad look for someone touted  as being a man of peace with a pure soul  nonetheless when people are accused of  such things we should hope there's a lot  of evidence or even some evidence to  back it up well he was against birth  control unless it was the kind of  control that involved a man or woman  taming their animal passions once he  said if people have too much sex they  will become soft-brained unhinged in  fact mental and moral wrecks  then when he was an aging man in the 30s  he asked his young grandniece to get  into bed with him he told her that it  was an experiment to see if he could  control his own animal passions as bad  as it looked he didn't hide what he was  doing which was to test or further test  his conquest of sexual desire it was  written that he didn't care what people  thought about it one author said when a  close disciple heard of gandhi's  experiments with celibacy he had  threatened to leave the ashram unless  gandhi rectified his predatory behavior  his choices were clearly never  acceptable these experiments not only  involved his grand niece but other young  women and girls at the ashram he never  did have intercourse with him but let's  just say he really tested himself as for  how his wife felt about all this gandhi  never seemed to show her much love he  once said he couldn't bear to look at  her in the face and is famously known  for denying her life-saving drugs he  certainly took a lot of criticism for  the two-week celibacy experiments and he  still does now just as he does for many  of his more conservative beliefs  regarding sex and gender to give you an  idea about those beliefs his answer to  two women being attacked by men in the  street was for them to shave off their  hair so they were no longer attractive  to men yeah he blamed the women for a  male problem even once went as far as to  say that a woman's menstruation cycle  was actually a manifestation of the  distortion of a woman's soul by her  sexuality for many people gandhi was a  racist with a predilection for sexually  focused predatory behavior others say  leave him alone the man did good on the  whole and can be said to have done  something not many people can attest to  and actually changing the world today  we've just played the devil's advocate  and will let you decide what to make of  gandhi the darker parts of his life  don't figure much when it comes to his  legacy but hey mythologies are rarely  interested in nuance now you need to  watch another myth-busting extravaganza  the ugly truth about mother teresa or  have a look at this

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